Monday, November 29, 2010

New word for week of Nov. 29-Dec. 2

The final spelling/sort will be on Thursday (Dec. 2) of this week.

nt: went, hunt, ant, want, print, plant, spent
nd: hand, send, land, wind, stand, blend, and
nk: junk, pink, wink, think, bank, stink, drink, thank, blank, trunk

CVC: glass, stand, past
CVCe: trade, brave, slave, shape, taste
CVVC -ai: nail, grain, aid, raise, gain
CVV -ay: day, stay, play, clay, tray, may, gray, pray, say
oddball: they

bookcase: bookmark, bookworm, cookbook, scrapbook
lighthouse: lightweight, daylight, flashlight, sunlight, headlight
downhill: downstairs, downtown, downpour, countdown
headache: headfirst, headlight, headphones, headstrong
snowman: snowflake, snowstorm, snowplow